Absorbed - a Bible Book Study Podcast
Through questions with definite answers, study Bible books in full, in one sitting. Or, I should say, I am creating podcast episodes which would allow that. I study with an intense focus when it comes to my job, but I never have taken the same approach with the Bible. Now is as good a time as ever to change things up. No distractions, no clock, just the Word of God. Each episode includes a reading of the book in full, straight through. This is preceded or followed by a diligent, accompanying set of questions--with definite answers--intended to aid in retention of the contents of the book. You have the time. Why not join me in studying Bible books in full? Scripture quotations taken from the NASB (New American Standard Bible) Copyright 1971, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Podcasting since 2021 • 21 episodes
Absorbed - a Bible Book Study Podcast
Latest Episodes
Interview 1 - Why My Dad Purchased the Legacy Standard Bible
Earlier this year I excitedly told my dad that they had "finally done it!" By that I meant that a major bible translation finally put the divine name directly in the text instead of keeping it the antecedent to "LORD".&nbs...

Preaching 1 - We Fear Him
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has you feeling like me. You're somewhere past confusion, but short on confidence. Are you feeling fearful? I recognize fear because I cry when I'm afraid. I haven't cried yet, but I have felt tears well up. ...

Ep. 16 - Philemon
How many slaves did Philemon have? Is this letter about slavery? If so, what does it have to say? If not, what is it about? Join me in another full Bible book study, this time of the book of Philemon. Open your Bible and have the p...

How To 1 - How To Determine Antecedents--A Case Study on 1 John, Chapters 1 and 3
As I reviewed the episode on 1 John, it became clear to me that we need to chat about "determining antecedents"--and there is probably no better book of the Bible than 1 John to use. Who is 'we'? Who is 'he'? Who is 'you'? Aren'...